Day 7 - Sex and Gender in the Belle Epoch
Gender Roles of Women
Jean Beraud, The Box by the Stalls (1883) |
Rosalind Williams, Dream Worlds,
"Dreams of Love and Wealth" (Consumerism and gender images)
Paul Smith, Impressionism and the Impressionists
Mary McAuliffe, Paris, City of Dreams:Napoleon III, Baron Haussmann,and the Creation of Paris, pp.109-111
National Gallery of Art, Picturing France, 1830–1900
Victorian Paris: Gender and Class
Images of Women
Gender Roles of Men
Robert Nye, “The Culture of the Sword: Manliness and Fencing in the Third Republic” from Masculinity and Male Codes of Honor in Modern France (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 148-153, 160-161.
- Masculinity and the Revival of Dueling in France
- The Glorification of Dueling (1)
- The Roots of Honor in 19th Century France (2)
- The Emergence of a Cult of Honor (3)
Sexual Harassment in the Streets of Paris
Blog Posts on Marriage
Christopher Thompson, “Un troisième sexe? Les bourgeoises et la bicyclette dans la France fin de siècle, Le Mouvement social, No. 192 (July-September 2000), pp.9-14, 16-18, 26.
- Gender and Bicycles -- Over View (1)
- Gender, Bicycles, and National Security (2)
- Bicycles and Gender Anxiety (3)
Raymond Rudorff, Belle Epoque
Students and their Mistresses
Fae Brauer, “Flaunting Manliness: Republican Masculinity, Virilised Homosexuality and the Desirable Male Body,”
Robert Nye, “The Culture of the Sword: Manliness and Fencing in the Third Republic” from Masculinity and Male Codes of Honor in Modern France (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp.119-121.