To bring together all of the skills that you have developed over the last two weeks, I would like you to write a paper in response to one of these prompts:
The second half of the 19th century was a period of very rapid change in almost all aspects of Parisian life. Compose an essay in which you compare the experience of change in three different areas of culture and society in Paris in this period. In your essay you should consider doing all or most or the following:
-- Define the three areas that you will be considering
-- Describe the nature of change in each area and analyze the nature of these changes using the tools you have developed in our course
-- Consider the responses to these changes by different groups. How were the responses similar and how were they different?
-- Compare the nature of the changes in different spheres of life and consider the ways in which change in one area may have influenced that in another. Were there common themes or were the changes in the different areas distinct?
Prompt 2
Pick three artifacts (paintings,
texts, photograps, advertisements, etc.)from the course that you think capture many of the most crucial developments that occurred in Paris in the years between 1850 and 1900. Connect these images or texts with material from at least five different days of the course and use them as a vehicle for explaining what you think are some the most important things to learn about this era.
-- Be sure to present a clear thesis about developments in this period
Instructions for the Essay
-- Feel free to use material from your research reports and Prezis
In most cases your work will be based on material from the course. In that case you can indicate the source of any material that you have used by simply referring to the title of the source and the day that it occurred on the website. If, however, you choose to use material from outside the course, be sure to provide a full citation. You may use any form that you choose, so long as it provides all the information required to find the source.
Length -- the paper should be between 7 and 9 pages
Pagination -- it should be double spaced with a page number at the bottom of each page
Font -- You may use any standard 12-point font
Anonymity -- Your name should not appear anywhere on the paper