How the Very Rich Lived
Today's web site is filled with
text and images about how the mass of poor people in Paris
lived in the late 19th century. But to fully understand the
Edouard Andre by Franz Xaver Winterhalter |
of their struggles, it is necessary to compa
Cornélie Barbe
Hyacinthe Jacquemart, Self Portrait |
re their lives with those
of the small class of super rich Parisians in the same
Édouard François André
(1833–1894) was a very rich banker and political figure. He
was a strong supporter of the regime of Napoleon III and was
deeply involved in the modernization. After the fall of the
Second Empire he abandoned politics and turned his energies
to the arts. He and his wife, the painter Cornélie Barbe
Hyacinthe (Nélie) Jacquemart (1841-1912), amassed a gigantic
art collection in their mansion on the right bank. Their
home, now the Musée Jacquemart-André, can give us a glimpse
of the life-style of the very rich in the late 19th century.