Day 1 -- Challenge to the Status Quo in the Arts

What You Need to Do For Today's Presentation

   Your team should create a Prezi that answers the question that you have been assigned. Your presentation should include

  • The question that you are answering

  • A thesis or interpretation that offers an answer to your question

  • Evidence drawn from Day 1 of the course website that will make that interpretation convincing to your audience

Questions for Today's Presentations

Question 1

How did the subject matter and the style of the impressionists challenge the ideals and practice of the Academy?


Question 2

How did new ideas about culture, such as Romanticism and Realism, challenge the classicism of the academy? How were the values of the classicists undercut?

Question 3

How did changes in the ways that art was produced, distributed, and consumed undercut the control of the French academy over the arts?

Question 4

How was a revolution in culture encouraged by new forms of social interaction, such as Bohemia and the switch from the aristocratic salon to the public cafe as the local for artistic discussion?

Note: In this and in future presentations, it is important to pay close attention to what is actually being asked for in your question. In history the point is always to answer a specific question, not to tell your audience everything that you know about a topic.

The four questions each involve different issues.  Be sure that you are answering your team's question and not that of  another group.